Conserving water in a home has numerous benefits, both for the individual and the environment. Some of the most significant benefits are as follows:

  • Cost savings:

Conserving water can significantly reduce your water bill, which can save you money in the long run. Using less water can also reduce the energy needed to pump and treat water, which can further lower your energy bills.

  • Environmental benefits:

Conserving water can help preserve natural resources, such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. It can also reduce the amount of energy required to transport and treat water, which can lower greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change.

  • Water availability:

Conserving water can help ensure that there is enough water for everyone, particularly in areas where water is scarce. By reducing water use, we can help ensure that water is available for future generations.

  • Reducing strain on infrastructure:

Conserving water can help reduce the strain on aging water infrastructure. By using less water, we can reduce the need for costly upgrades and repairs to pipes, pumps, and treatment plants.

  • Supporting local ecosystems:

Conserving water can help support local ecosystems, such as wetlands and streams, which depend on a steady supply of clean water. By reducing water use, we can help ensure that these ecosystems remain healthy and vibrant.


Overall, conserving water in a home can have significant benefits for both the individual and the environment. By using water wisely, we can help protect our natural resources, save money, and ensure that there is enough water for future generations.


Here are the top 7 Tips Perfection Plumbing recommends for conserving water, saving money on your utility bill, and helping Saskatoon become a greener city!

1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

The typical person can save up to 4 gallons per minute, and a family of four can save 200 gallons a week just with this one simple tip.

2. Install low-flow showerheads.

Take the bucket test. If your showerhead can fill a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, it’s time to replace your showerhead.

3. Dishwasher

Don’t run your washer or dishwasher every day; only run them when they are full.

4. Washing Machine

When running your washer, match the water level to the size of the load. Not every load has to be run at full capacity.

5. Towels

Reuse your shower towel. Even reusing it once can cut your laundry requirements in half.

6. Running the Water

Instead of running your tap water for cold water, consider filling pitchers and jugs and placing them in your refrigerator. A cold drink will be easier – and more efficient – to get to.

7. Recirculation

Install a hot water circulation system. You can instantly have hot water whenever you choose and save thousands of gallons of water per year.