Practically everyone is jumping on board the environmental bandwagon. Any and all conceivable items are coming out with their own “green” versions as a safe solution. Take for example those smart water heaters. This household appliance probably wouldn’t have been on top of your list of products that need to be environment-friendly. Apparently, it has some more room to accommodate this so-called trend.
CBC News expounds on this development in a recent report on the PowerShift Atlantic project, published last March 17th, 2014:
“A project which aims to use wind energy more effectively here in Atlantic Canada is showing success. This is only five months in, according to the project manager.
Across the region, 1,250 electricity customers are taking part in PowerShift Atlantic. They are mostly homeowners, but 120 businesses have also signed on.
Smart Water Heaters
The customers have a device attached to an appliance, usually an electric water heater, which allows the utility to turn it off and on remotely. Project manager Michel Losier, who works at NB Power, says that allows utilities to turn off these appliances when energy use is high and the wind isn’t blowing, or turn them on when demand is low and wind energy is cheaper.”
The project is a long way from being finished and concluding reports aren’t expected to be available until early 2015. Despite the wait, however, this certainly provides something to look forward to, especially for those who are consciously trying to improve their ecological footprint.
Water Heater Options
In the meantime, though, there are various other options for greener options when it comes to hot water tanks in Saskatoon. Homeowners can find their fill of choices from among various models. Gas-condensing water heaters or tankless water heaters are better for the environmental footprint, for example.
Gas-condensing water heaters are those that use gas to heat the water. It is said to reduce as much as 30% of the home’s heating bills, thanks to its technological innovation that allows it to heat up the water almost simultaneously as the tank is being filled with water.
The tankless variety, meanwhile, is considered to be one of the greener alternatives to conventional Saskatoon water heaters because it supplies on-demand hot water instead of constantly running gas or electricity to heat up stored water. Not only does it help save costs, but it also saves space.
Ask about these green environmental water heating options from your friendly neighbourhood plumbers, such as those from Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. to know which type could better suit your home’s needs.
Source: (Smart hot water heaters make better use of wind power, CBC News, 17 March 2014).
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